Key Benefits

Full description
Wisbech has a population of around 20,000 and is a market town of great character and historical importance lying approximately 23 miles from Peterborough, 39 miles from Cambridge and 55 miles from Norwich. The A47 Trunk Road between Norwich and Leicester passes around the southern and eastern side of Wisbech. The popular North Norfolk Coast is within easy reach.
DESCRIPTION A parcel of land extending in total to 0.62 Hectare (1.52 Acres) Subject to Measured Survey. The land consists of two areas of undeveloped amenity land together with the land under the estate road, which was adopted by Norfolk County Council in an Agreement dated 7th February 2001.
PLANNING Planning Consent for the construction of 56 dwellings on Land off Church Road, Emneth was Granted by Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk on 16th May 2000 under Reference 2/00/0313/F.
POSSESSION The land is offered For Sale Freehold subject to the various rights of way and other rights and easements associated with the land.
BOUNDARIES The plan is for illustrative purposes only. The Buyer will be deemed to have full knowledge of all boundaries.
PLANS AND AREAS These details have been prepared as accurately as possible, based upon Ordnance Survey plans. The plan has been prepared for Identification Purposes only and, although believed to be correct, it's accuracy is not guaranteed. The area has been taken from a combination of the Land Registry and the Ordnance Survey online mapping system.
WAYLEAVES, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY The land is offered subject to all existing rights, including rights of way whether private or public, light, support, drainage, water and electricity supply and other rights, easements, quasi easements and all wayleaves whether referred to or not in these details.
METHOD OF SALE The land is offered For Sale by Informal Tender. A Tender Form is attached to this Brochure and the deadline for receipt of tenders is 12 Noon on Thursday 27th March 2025. All tenders should be returned to the Selling Agent's Wisbech Office in a sealed envelope marked "Raceys Close Tender". If you wish to be able to verify receipt of your tender please mark the outside of the envelope appropriately. The bid should clearly state in £'s the amount offered. Escalating tenders or tenders calculated only by reference to any other tender will not be considered. The Seller is under no obligation to accept the highest, or any, tender. The successful party will be contacted shortly after the tender date.
VIEWING Unaccompanied viewing at any reasonable time. For further information please contact Alan Faulkner.
The Health and Safety of those viewing is the responsibility of the individual undertaking the viewing. Cultivated or uncultivated land is, by its nature, likely to be uneven with possible trip hazards. Neither the Seller nor the Agent accept any responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property as a result of viewing the property and parties do so entirely at their own risk.
COSTS The Buyer will be responsible for reimbursing the Seller's legal fees in respect of the transaction, together with the Agent's fees of £1,800 including VAT.
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